Ludy Grandas

Ludy Grandas

Senior Professorial Lecturer at the Department of World Languages and Cultures

Ludy Grandas is a senior professorial lecturer at the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Her teaching focuses primarily on nation and state formation in Latin America, Studies of Culture in Latin America, the Studies of Culture in Hispanic populations in the US, as well as Spanish Language. Her research interests include labor, immigrant labor, cultural studies as practiced in Latin America. For the last few years, she has been collaborating with the Latin American day laborer community in Washington, DC. She has led Community Based Learning Courses which connect AU students to these specific populations. Ludy has served as a Humanities Truck Project Fellow a remarkable three times!

2018-2019 Project title: "Invisible Hands: Jornaleros/Manos Invisibles: Day Laborers"

2019-2021 Project title:  "DC Low Wage Workers and Latino Immigrants: Histories That Matter"

2021-2022 Project title: "Youth Stories of Children of the Day Laborers in Washington, DC"

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