Everyone is invited to take part of the festivities celebrating Paul Robeson‘s 124th birthday on Saturday, April 9th from 1pm to 3pm at the small park at Georgia and Kansas Avenue NW.
Have you ever noticed the statute in the park at Georgia and Kansas Avenues in front of the Petworth Library? You may have seen a similar statute on 16th Street at Arkansas and a third statue at 13th and Arkansas NW? The sculptor is Uzikee Nelson, an African American artist and DC resident.
Then, have you seen the colorful phone utility boxes painted orange and green as you pass by the library? The Pilgrim Foundation sponsored the work of another Barbadian African American artist, Earle Pilgrim. His widow lived a block away in Petworth.
The AU Humanities Truck invites all attendees, families and children, to make commemorative buttons, and participate in and to contribute to their graffiti mural.