Tales of Curiosity: AU STEAM Faire

October 4, 2019 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Curiosity is the root of experimentation and, in turn, the theme of AU’s 2019 STEAM Faire on Friday, October 4! Bringing middle and high school students to campus, the Faire explores the root of scientific and artistic innovation through demos, workshops, maker spaces, and more. Lynn Borton (Choose to be Curious), Noel Bicknell (Lab School), and Asia Ferrin (CAS), all members of the “Curiosity, Mindfulness, and Education” (CME) Humanities Lab, will be using the Humanities Truck to stage activities and collect “tales of curiosity” during the event. Come by 12:00-2:00pm, just in front of Don Meyers Technology and Innovation Building, and share your story! What does curiosity prompt you to ask, to try, to make? Stay for CME-invited science artist Rebecca Kamen’s keynote “Curiosity and Creativity” from 5:00-6:30pm in Don Meyers #111. For more information, please contact CME co-director Perry Zurn.

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