Morgan Carroll

Morgan Carroll

Project Lead

Morgan Carroll is a recent graduate from AU's Public Anthropology master's program (C'23). Prior to their time at American, they received their bachelors in psychology from Sewanee: The University of the South and a masters in social work from the University of South Carolina. Her academic interests include the anthropology of food, especially in Queer and Appalachian Communities. During their time at American, they studied food literacy and food waste in Washington, DC, focusing on the ways in which current food waste and food literacy interventions uphold white supremacist and capitalist ideologies and erase the humanity in daily food practices. Morgan served as the Truck's first ever Project Lead for the 2022-2023 academic year, a role created for senior graduate fellows to take on a leadership capacity and serve as a liaison between the director, project fellows, and the graduate team. She is now a PhD student at the University of South Carolina studying southern and Appalachian foodways.

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