The Humanities Truck works with diverse populations to collect, create, interpret, and curate stories that can return to the communities they originated from and circulate throughout the DMV. As we confront a global pandemic, we aim to record social responses to COVID-19 by asking how individuals and communities across the metropolitan region are responding to the crisis by building and sustaining community networks. This platform serves as a space to share, document, and reflect upon our stories.
In partnership with the Humanities Truck Project, Eric Sheptock will offer regular reports and reflections on the impact that Covid-19 is having on those experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC.
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Previously I was told by the DHS personnel at the quarantine hotel that only a case manager could make a store run for me. I explained that the only case manager I have is the 1 who’s taken 5.5 months and counting to connect me to affordable housing. DHS sued said that’s who needs to run errands for me. The affordable housing case manager said that she doesn’t do that. DHS gave case managers a duty but forgot to tell the case managers. That’s been fixed. I received the attached rule sheet a couple hours ago. Now anyone may bring me stuff at the appointed times. Next time is 8-9p on Tuesday. Hmmm.
Previously I was told by the DHS personnel at the quarantine hotel that only a case manager could make a store run for me. I explained that the only case manager I have is the 1 who’s taken 5.5 months and counting to connect me to affordable housing. DHS sued said that’s who needs to run errands for me. The affordable housing case manager said that she doesn’t do that. DHS gave case managers a duty but forgot to tell the case managers. That’s been fixed. I received the attached rule sheet a couple hours ago. Now anyone may bring me stuff at the appointed times. Next time is 8-9p on Tuesday. Hmmm.
I’ve been in quarantine since 2p on Thursday. For the first time 5 minutes ago, someone brought me a snack bag with these items. I wonder if it’s because I sent a mass email earlier today about the broken system for getting store items to those of us in quarantine.
I find it interesting that I won’t be afforded a COVID-19 test. I last saw the person I know who contracted COVUD-19 on April 25th or 26th. I was told at 7 PM on 4/29 that he’d contracted it. I was brought to quarantine at 2 PM on 4/30 (after being given the chance to spread it if I had it). Since at least 4 days had passed between my last contact with that person and the beginning of my quarantine, my 2-week quarantine was reduced to 10 days. I’m not showing any symptoms; however, asymptomatic people can infect vulnerable people. This morning I asked a nurse via phone if I’d be tested while here. She said “No, because I’m not showing symptoms”. Hmmm.